Following the incident, Sanpada police, along with a forensic team, rushed to the spot and conducted a thorough investigation. The police have also launched an operation to nab the...
The Delhi Zoo is investigating the mysterious and unnatural death of Dharmendra, an 11-year-old one-horned rhino, just days after the passing of a white tiger cub due to pneumonia and...
Rosita Missoni, co-founder of the Italian fashion house 'Missoni' died at the age of 93 on Wednesday, January 1. Read on to know more.
Jharkhand: The police and local residents rushed to the spot and launched a rescue operation, the officer said, adding that further investigation was on.
The snow-covered mountains, glistening under the winter sun, have brought a magical change to the region's atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for winter sports and sightseeing.
India TV Sports Wrap on January 3: From all the hockey action to the cricketing circuit, here are all the top 10 trending sports news stories and the latest happenings from the world of...
A study published in the journal CANCER by the American Cancer Society says that drinking tea and coffee may help lower your risk of developing head and neck cancer. Read on to know more...
Silver price on January 3: The changes in the value of currencies, particularly the US dollar, relative to other currencies can affect the attractiveness of silver as an investment.
The top 10 smallest countries in the world by land area range from Vatican City to Malta, each with unique geography, culture, and political significance.
This video needs to be seen by all those people who are shivering in the cold. But see how the soldiers are walking on the snow in minus degree temperature.
Daily Astrology in Hindi | Bhavishyavani with Acharya Indu Prakash. How will be day today for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and...